
This faucet is sending intentionally a random small amount.

Current balance

Please recycle

When done testing with the signet coins, please return them to the following address:

Signet info

The blocks on Signet network are not really mined, but rather just signed and their timing is a Poisson distribution which is used in order to resemble the average timing of blocks on the main Bitcoin network.

Testing addresses

Do not use Testnet addresses here. Testnet and Signet use the same address format and the coins sent to your Testnet address will need to be redeemed by importing the private key (or sweeping it) on to Signet (works well in Electrum Bitcoin Wallet, Signet Web Wallet or Bitcoin Core).


See an example Caddyfile for Caddy2 web server serving also an efficient Tor hidden service.

Git repository

Originally inspired and SWAG-reused from bitcoin-faucet.

This POSIX-shell reimplementation is hosted on GitHub.